by Chef Bob
As an American chef married to a beautiful Pampangan woman, my kitchen is always going. We follow the recipe up until the pork is finished boiling and only add 2 medium onions along with your ingredients to the pot.
45 minutes to an hour later it comes out of the pot...after drying the pork and letting it set for another 30 minutes on the counter, I use half a tbls of soy sauce instead of salt. Rub it all over the meat then add white pepper. Soy sauce makes it brown nice when frying later and uses less salt. I then wrap it and freeze it overnight. Next day, heat up the oil, take pork from freezer and coat very lightly in corn starch.
USING LONG frozen pork in oil, cover and step back. BE CAREFUL!!! The freezing does the same as drying the pork in the sun. It really makes the fat crackle.
Just one more variation for all to try...Thanks, Chef Bob
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